International Human Rights Day

Naga voice resonates on Rights Day:

Imphal, Dec 10: Stamping ‘relevant’ issues on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, Naga frontal organisations on Monday gathered at MBC Conference Hall in Imphal and exchanged views on the issue of human rights.

The Naga Peoples’ Movement for Human Rights (South Sector) in association with United Naga Council (UNC), All Naga Students’ Association, Manipur (ANSAM) and Naga Women Union Manipur (NWUM) observed the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in a simple but impressive function under the theme “Dignity and Justice for All of Us” at MBC Conference Hall.

During the function, the participants highlighted key human rights issues experienced by the Nagas “from within and without”. The participants also mooted to “continue to carry forward the fundamental principles of human rights as set out in the UDHR in sync with the United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples such as universality, interdependence and indivisibility, equality and non-discrimination, and that human rights simultaneously entail both rights and obligations from duty bearers and rights owners, to our remote villages where many gross violations and atrocities were committed”.

According Samson Reimai, Care-taker, United Naga Council, “We hope this event will spotlight a number of important human rights concerns currently faced by the Nagas. Now, more than ever, we need to redouble our efforts to promote and protect human rights. On the 10th of December we hope to join with hundreds of other organizations to advance the foundations of human rights, live in dignified life and justice for all of us and peace across the world.”

Ramthing Kasar, Executive Member, NPMHR expressed his resentment over the way policies are framed without the consent of the people.

He also said that violations of ones rights and disregard of the peoples’ opinion while carrying out developmental work in our areas should be immediately stopped.

Ramthinmg Kasar further stated that all the policies or any developmental programme should be guided and incorporated with the Declaration on rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Ajang Longmei, General Secretary, UNC and Milan, Speaker, UNC dwelt on the “uniqueness of Naga history” and political situation dating back from the period of First World War, which is “duly recognized by the Government of India”.

Dr. Gina Shangkham, Executive Member, NPMHR while participating in the discussion opined on the women married to outside of the community especially to the non indigenous and tribal community said that “the Moyon community has the traditional customary law accepting the reintegrated into their own community of the married woman along with their children in the even of the husband’s death. She shall not be discriminated on the basis of marrying to outside the community. This traditional law is recent re-discovery of Moyon Community”, according to Dr Gina.

Grace Shatshang, President, Naga Women Union, Manipur said she was delighted that NPMHR was hosting such a “prestigious event” and stated that such ocassion would mean a good opportunity to discuss various issues related to the human rights with the people concern including the students.

Posted On: The Sangai Express

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